Never Give Up
Thomas Edison is famous for saying a lot of things, but my personal favorite is this:
“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”
There are a lot of reasons this can make sense to a lawyer, and their client. The more years I practice as a family law lawyer, the more I learn what works, and sometimes more importantly, what does not work. Particularly with certain Judges, on certain issues, in certain areas of Utah. The number of variables are endless. So, if we have an objective, we have to never, ever, give up. As long as it makes sense to continue trying, we must try. Remembering this quote helps. Sometimes, it takes the feeling of “losing” and turns into, “let’s try a different way”.
Remembering this quote helps. Sometimes, it takes the feeling of “losing” and turns into, “let’s try a different way”. You aren’t always wrong because you don’t get what you want in a certain way. Maybe you need to ask in a different manner. Maybe try a different angle or direction. This is hard, as the divorce lawyer, when we are dealing with people’s children, their day-to-day lives, their money, their companies or business interests; their most important issues, but it makes the quote even more helpful. Even if I feel like Rocky in the last few rounds of a fight, maybe it seems I’m down, I’m going to keep getting up and I’m never going to give up. I’m never going to stop looking for a different angle if I found a way that didn’t work. Maybe the lesson will help me succeed later in the same case, or maybe in a different context.
Just don’t give up if it matters.